Tuesday 26 June 2007

Jake's Isle of White School Camp

Jake set off for his first school camp on Friday 29th June. All the 7th year students are going to the Isle of White off the South Coast of England for a week of activities including abseiling, hiking and orienteering. This is the first time Jake will have been away without his Mum, Dad and sister but he is looking forward to being with his mates and having a good time. He is especially looking forward to the disco on the last night and has packed his hair wax and aftershave for the occassion.

Jake has to complete a project upon his return which will be marked by his fellow classmates. He can produce a piece of writting, make a model, do a play, write a song or complete a drawing of his trip and some of the things he learnt. Above is Jake's model of Alum Bay and The Needles.
Jake won the best project award by getting 18 votes out of 44 pupils and won a £5 voucher.

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